Monday, September 27, 2010

No Donuts Road Signs!

Hi Henderson Pines Homeowners,
We have had a wonderful summer in Henderson Pines. It has been an unusally cooler summer than normal. As we write this blog this morning it is 37 degrees and will hit near 80 this afternoon. This is why we stay and enjoy September and part of October every year.

The primary reason for this post is to report we have had some vandalism that occured the past week (9/20-25/2010}. The commissioners installed this summer two 4 wheeler "No Donuts signs" near the approaches to Henderson Pines off of Fish Creek road. We found the signs did have an impact because we didn't observe any donuts on our Mag Chloride section of Fish Creek road. However, we found the signs were missing this week. It is our guess that thieves thought they would make nice signs for their bedroom walls or resented that they can't be told what to do with their 4 wheelers.

Please, if you know of any person or person involved let us know. The cost of the signs was $60. I am sure we will replace them, but, will have to figure out how to attach the signs in a way that would make it more difficult to steal or remove.

If you have any thoughts on this subject please let us know.

Larry & Dorothy Hill


Debbie Davis said...

Really? Why? Somebody needs something more productive to do with their time. At least they did at the close of the season. This is too bad because I felt they were really working.

Debbie Davis said...

Maybe we should contact Island Park News and see if any parents recognize a sign in their kid's room. Or maybe someone will see one after hearing about this. Of course, it may be too small an issue for them to write about. Anyway, it was just a thought.